NB; søknadsfrist 1. september!
"Med joik som utgangspunkt" på HiNT 2013-14 er et studium utviklet av Frode Fjellheim og kanskje det eneste høgskolestudiet i verden der studentene får jobbe med joik som utgangspunkt for å skape ny musikk.
The foundation for the course is a solid introduction to yoik as a musical expression - and a basic introduction to Sami culture. Students can create their own yoiks, use elements from traditional yoik in new contexts and you may learn how Europe's oldest living music tradition can give you new musical ideas for your own music.
Among previous students attending this course are artists, teachers, theater students, administrative employees in the cultural sector and of course music students who take this as part of their education as a musician or music teacher.
About the study
The aims of the course are
- to consolidate the South Sami yoik and thus help to lay a foundation for preserving and developing this tradition
- to create arenas where training in yoik and music based on yoik can be expressed.
The course program is divided into three sub-courses:
- Introduction to Sami culture
- Music orientation and listening
- Stylization of elements from yoik in new contexts
Professor Frode Fjellheim is academically responsible for the study.
Samlinger (med forbehold om endringer):
1. samling: 24. og 25. oktober
2. Samling: 22. og 23. november
3. samling: 16. og 17. januar
4. samling: 14. og 15. februar
5. samling: 20. og 21. mars (eksamen)
Alle samlingene foregår på Campus Røstad i Levanger. Mer info søknadsskjema her.
Her er noen av studentene fra det siste kullet som gjennomførte studiet - sammen med sensor Wolfgang Plagge.